Electoral systems

The Australian Electoral Commission website (2012) has lots of information. The section Learn About elections contains sections on Delivering an Election, Voting and the Government, and For educators


Electoral Systems

A factsheet that identifies and explains the work of the house of representatives and their role in the parliament : House of representatives factsheet

Introducing the House of Representatives through an introductory video

An example of the distribution of the House of representatives preferential vote: Vote count

Counting System A video resource explaining the voting system for counting votes of the house of representatives

A systematic representation of the counting of the House of representative votes

An example of the preferential voting system in Australia: Preferential voting in the House of representatives

The PEO Senate factsheet The factsheet explores the senate as the second house of the Australian Parliament

Determination of Senate results

An understanding of the senate voting system and how senate results are counted Senate count process

A video representing how Australian citizens can vote: How to complete my Ballot paper

An AEC factsheet on how to place a correct vote Completing the Ballot paper

An AEC hand sheet on when elections are held and the essential steps to set them up efficiently: When is the Federal Election held?
A corresponding PDF explaining When elections are held ?

An AEC explanation of preliminary counting of votes on election night

An AEC examination of counting votes after election night

Scrutiny of votes by the senate to ensure transparency counting votes with Senate scrutiny

A video explaining the count of votes for a referendum: counting votes for a referendum

An example of counting votes for the senate using the Preferential voting system

The Australian preferential voting system Preferential voting system, Australia

Salters paper how Australia led the world in democracy development dwells into the development of Australian democracy on a global comparison.

Last Update: 21/04/2021

Electoral Systems, How Does The Australian Government Work
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