Participatory and Deliberative Democracy

Deliberative government

Participatory and Deliberative Democracy are complementary methods for engaging community in government. Deliberative methods are a means to enhance community participation.


In his book Deliberating in the real world Parkinson’s attempts to solve two major problems in deliberative democratic theory by rethinking deliberative theory.

The Journal of Deliberative Democracy’s special issue on democracy without shortcuts.

The democratic case for political uses of Minipublics :Can democracy be deliberative and participatory?

Government with the people is CAPaDs reflections on the OECD review of citizens deliberative processes and its relevance in the ACT experience of deliberation.

CAPaD’S reflections on our 6 year journey of learning and developing a the Community Assessment Tool for effective public deliberation: Developing a deliberative democracy assessment tool for communities. An open source Word document template for the Community Assessment Tool is available here. Please acknowledge.

The OECD Public Governance Policy Papers, No. 12, 14 December 2021 Eight ways to institutionalise deliberative democracy. This paper outlines eight participatory and deliberative models “for institutionalising representative public deliberation to improve collective decision making and strengthen democracy.”

New democracy foundation is working towards a healthier democracy through citizen deliberation.

Citizen Assembly as a best practice consultation.

An alternate new form of democracy Citizen Juries

Calisto Friant M. Deliberating for sustainability is a journal of lessons from the Porto Alegre experiment with participatory budgeting.


Participatory Democracy

Overview of engagement processes in the development of wellbeing indicators by Jack Schirmer and Beth Slayer.

Democracy in Australia through citizen participation in democracy.

The dynamic facilitation demo:
Responses to the questions from the Harvest from the 2nd of September
Harvest from the 2nd of September.
Harvest from the 9th of September.

The NSW parliaments take on informed and active citizenship .

The future Role of Civil society report .

Alonso, Keane and Merkel’s input on the future of representative democracy.

Alonso, Keane and Merkel rethink the future of representative democracy.

Community participation through deliberative democracy and public consultation

Community participation through The Ethics of Political Participation: Engagement and Democracy in the 21st century

Empathy councils for the web: a 2 hour session describing empathy councils

Participedia: examples of participation in practice world wide.

Last Update: 15/12/2021
Deliberative, Types / Models Of Democracy
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