Active Governing
The Australian Experience
New Democracy Foundation focuses on the advantages of citizen deliberation in improving democracy
The ACTCOSS journal issue 90 is a springboard for reflective practices and the changes we hope to see by 2020.
Reforming our democracy provides a list of reforms available to improve democracy.
Reforming our democracy: options for renewing democracy in Australia provides a list of reforms proposed to Australia’s political parties ahead of the 2019 elections in order to improve the Australian democracy
Democracy in Australia: The sheet describes examples of purposeful citizen participation and measures improve democratic health.
Australian: ACT Experience
Information kit: Citizen Assembly as best practice consultation, a kit for engaging and involving citizens shared with ACT MLAs in 2016.
CAPaD learnings from the four ACT deliberative processes explains CAPaDs takeback form the 4 ACT deliberative processes while focuses on the positives and areas of improvement
The following slide show by Lyn Stephen on representative democracy focuses on government with the people.
The essence of southfest with citizen feedback on what the people wanted from their elected representatives is covered in What we learnt at southfest 2018
The essence of southfest with citizen feedback on what the people wanted from their elected representatives is covered in Southfest responses on selection criteria for elected representatives: A discussion by 69 people on what they thought were the important attributes of an MLA
Meet up 10 Deliberating Well: What skills and attributes you need to get the most out of deliberation, in an interactive and practical way. is a discussion on what skills and attributes are needed to get the most out of deliberation in an interactive and practical way
Awakening democracy by robust representation dwells into the theory of how we can elect political representatives who are committed to the interests of the entire community and are not influenced by the underlying interests of others.
Further readings
A quick overview of the citizens council in Austria A summary of the “Bugerrat approach from Vorarlberg”
Industrial Areas Foundation is a standing network of local faith and community based organization focusing on changing the community and democratic constitution
Democracy 76 ways for citizens to civically engage introduces civil engagement in democracy through a set of 5 essential actions.
Lyn Stephens, analyses the questions of why government with the people, how institutionalization of trustworthy public deliberation strengthen democracy and implications for the future of democracy through building trust in deliberative processes