What is governance and democracy?

Governance and Politics

Finding out about how governance

Three forms of Australian government defines and explains the three forms of representative government in Australia.

The online portal of the museum The Museum of democracy shares stories of Australian democracy .

A glossary of governance and democracy : a page with glossary of common terms: find a dictionary of politics.

This Let’s Get Political podcast (this on Podbean but your favourite app should have it) aimed at younger people, teasing out why voting is important to getting the society you want.

The Democracy discussion set provides the definitions, principles and processes connected to a democracy.

The SAGE handbook of governance(2010) is an authoritative and innovative overview of the fascinating field of democracy with particular emphasis on the significantly new and emerging theoretical issues and policy innovation techniques.

Democratic governance examines the changing nature of the modern state and reveals the dangers these changes pose to democracy.

Mark Bevir’s paper Governance and governmentality after neoliberalism explores the synergies between governance and governmentality, especially with respect to neoliberalism.

Camilleri JA, Falk J Worlds, “In transition evolving governance across a stressed planet” analyses the economic and political reality of the 20th century.

A brief exploring the characteristics of good governance, its principles, origin of these principles and its application Principles for god governance in the 21st century

Governance for health in the 21st century: World Health Organization studies governance for health in the 21st century by tracking governance innovations that have been introduced to address priority determinants of health. The paper summarizes them as five strategic approaches to smart governance for health.

Amartya Sen examines the question of democracy as a universal value in his book Democracy as a Universal Value : Journal of Democracy

This sheet describes citizen engagement participation while providing examples of democratic health with citizen involvement : Democracy in Australia- citizen participation in democracy (Page: 3 and 4)

The Oxford handbook on transformation of the state presents the latest social science knowledge about the state and its transformations along with issues for further research.

Why politics matters. Making democracy work reassesses the gap between citizen expectation and the realities of government in light of new developments.

Mark E. Warren’s book A problem-based approach to democratic systems. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans (2012) analyses alternative strategy based on the question: What kinds of problems does a political system need to solve to count as “democratic”?


Understanding Power

A glossary of theories for understanding power and policy for health equity, 2021, Harris, Baum, Friel, MacKean, Schram, Townsend.

This glossary provides an overview of some of the most relevant conceptualisations of the dynamics of power in policy with implications for health equity.


Further readings

This Cousins Research Group Report, suggests trying another preposition—government with the people With the people: An introduction to an idea by David Matthews

Coghlan and Mackenzie analyze the world’s economic network to reveal who’s pulling the strings in their paper The hard core of power; New Scientist.

John S.Dryzek and Patrick Dunleavy provide a in-depth assessment of the classical and contemporary theories of the state Theories of the democratic state

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Last Update: 31/01/2024
About Governance & Democracy, Electoral Systems, Governance And Politics, Governance And Politics, Governance And Politics - General, How Do Australian Governments Work?, How Does The Australian Government Work, How The Australian Government Works
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