Community Organizing

How can you be an active citizen?

Community Organizing

Innovative citizen participation and new democratic institutions is the OECD review of international experiences of citizen deliberation.

Sydney Alliance:A diverse coalition using community organizing to make Sydney a better place to live

The Australian democracy network is a network aimed at creating an Australia where civil society is robust and vibrant and the public is informed engaged with a clean and open government

An organization focusing on how we do democracy in AustralianewDemocracy Foundation

Genuine citizens participation in Government is a group aimed at strengthening democracy in the ACT by encouraging effective citizen participation in policy making.

MLA roles, responsibilities and accountability: defining the role of MLAs form a citizen perspective while looking at innovative methods to improve their representation.

Canberra’s first democracy festival held over the weekend of 18-19Jne 2016:DemFest 2016: Power for Democracy

Reflective report on the process of the CT[P citizens’ jury from varying perspectives Deliberative ACT meet up 2

2018 Citizen Jury/Mini0Public Action is CAPaDs evaluation of the ACT CTP citizens jury and carer strategy panel and advocate for more trials

Empathy Council:
Web Video 1
Web Video 2
Demo September 9th

This is an Uprising : ow non-violent revolt is shaping the twenty-first century is a book showing how nonviolence can be deployed as a method of political conflict, disruption an escalation while arguing that due to political revolts society is ignoring social transformation.

People power conference ABCD Canberra general insights.

Last Update: 24/04/2021
Community Organizing, How Can You Be An Active Citizen?
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