Improving Accountability

Governing with the people

Improving accountability

Political Gadgets “Free tools providing insights into what our politicians stand for.” Actually “this site is all about information. Shining some light on what’s going on. Giving people tools to understand what their representative is really doing.”


They vote for you records and reports how MPs vote on issues relevant to citizens.

The Perfect Candidate aims to help you discover how aligned our leaders are with the issues that matter most to you and start a more courageous conversation about Australia’s future.

WeCan Fix Democracy pulls together information on politics in Australia from a wide range of sources.

open politics has been established to increase public scrutiny of the private interests of our federal politicians – their investment properties, family trusts, share portfolios, and debts, as well as the gifts, trips, and entertainment many receive from those seeking to influence the political system. profile local councils in states but not territories across Australia.

#AusGovInfo pulls together information and data about government and parliamentarians from across Australia.

The Accountability lab makes governance work for the people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions to make decisions that benefit everyone fairly.

Active Democracy Australia aims to encourage and enable voters in every federal electorate to form an electorate action group, through which, together, voters in your electorate can improve how you are represented.

The OECD 2009 open government measures introduces new indicators for measuring government openness while drawing on the setbacks of existing government measures.

Ask how a candidate will strengthen democracy is Peter Tait’s opinion of what citizens say they need to strengthen democracy.


Last Update: 14/01/2022
Genuine Citizen Participation, Governance And Politics - General, How Can We Help Our Representatives Work For Us Better?, How Can You Be An Active Citizen?, How To Make A Democracy Healthy, Improving Accountability, Participating Citizens, Resources For Being Active
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