Creating an Active government

How can you make government work for you and your community?

Active governance

Awakening Democracy by Robust Representation focuses on the question “how can we elect political representatives who are committed to the interests if the community?”

The Democracy 76 ways for citizens to civically engage:The list introduces civil engagement in democracy through a set of 5 essential actions.

Criterias for the trial of citizens’ Juries in the ACT: a joint coordination between CAPaD and ACTCOSS.

Lyn Stephens, analyses the questions of why government with the people, how institutionalization of trustworthy public deliberation strengthen democracy and implications for the future of democracy through Building trust in deliberative processes

The Accountability lab makes governance work for the people by supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions to make decisions that benefit everyone fairly

How Australian politicians would bridge the trust divide? is an answer to the question of Australian democracy failing while concluding that reform is needed.

Mark Bevir’s Encyclopedia of Governance is a one stop point of reference for the diverse and complex topics surrounding governance

In his book The demarchy manifesto: For better public policy Burnheim summarizes the issues with democracy connected with political deals, power strategies and politician tactics

A modern representation/analyses of Kenyes theory distinguishing between the agenda and the non-agenda of government in Restating the state

Leverage points are points of power: Leverage points. Places to intervene in a system Hartland

The Australian Panel of Experts on Environmental Law provide a blueprint for the next generation of Australian environmental lawswith the aim of ensuring a healthy and resilient environment for future generations.

The OECD project on creating evidenced based reforms for an open government:Making open Government 15 domains

In his book Measures to improve democracy Salter lists possible measures to improve democracy

Last Update: 24/04/2021
Creating An Active Government, How Can You Make Government Work For Your Community?
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