Dissatisfaction with the Government
The text examines the current and future aspects of democracy
Centre for the future of Democracy. : Work at the Centre for the Future of Democracy explores the future challenges and opportunities faced by democratic politics.
Towards an inclusive democracy : is a critique of Marxist and market informed governance with an introduction of a confederal vision of democracy inclusive of all realms of life.
In their book Democracy and crisis Isakhan and Slaughter examine the global financial crsis, Arab revolution and wikileaks, to highlight the tensions between governance and democracy and the prospects of democratising governance
Ruling the void Peter Mair elaborates on political representation in todays day and age while establishing a parallel with the varied democracies of Europe
Branch Stacking: brings to light the two problems arising as a result of branch stacking while providing ways for citizens to ensure better governing
The revolving door series examines the movement of Australian politicians, senior staff members and bureaucrats into the industries they each oversaw.